Dear Mr. X:
Thank you for scheduling the interview with my client, Fr. A. In preparation for you interview, we wish to confirm a few preliminary matters:
1. I am Father’s canonical [advisor/advocate/civil lawyer]. [A copy of the requisite canonical mandate is enclosed.] In turn, I would appreciate receiving ahead of time a copy of the decree by which the Ordinary appointed you as investigator.
2. Since this will be the first time we will be meeting in person, Father and I will be prepared to show identification at the start of the interview. We would appreciate seeing yours as well at that time.
3. We intend to record the interview. Please let us know if you intend to record it as well.
4. Father has agreed to participate in this interview on the understanding that this investigation will be conducted consistent with canon law and the procedure for investigations under the Vademecum issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in June 2022. Accordingly, we wish to confirm certain details to make sure no misunderstandings exist.
We will need you to confirm these points in advance of, or at, the interview. We enclose for your information the cited provisions of the Code and the Vademecum.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the content of this letter or on any other matter during this preliminary canonical investigation. We look forward to meeting you at the interview.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Atticus Finch, JD, JCL, etc. etc.
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